Installation of Adempiere ERP on Windows

              This installation instruction is intended for initial installations where the database, application server and client all run on the same machine. For more complex installations, see Installation Steps.
An installation can take as little as 15 or 20 minutes if you start with the required downloads and do everything correctly.
Other alternatives you might want to investigate are the Windows Installer or VMWare/VirtualBox AVA packages. However, the following method will give you much more control over the installation including upgrades with the latest patches and scripts.
Before you begin, download each of the following packages:
§  Java SE Development Kit - Get the latest from You only need the JDK without JavaFX, EE or NetBeans bundles.
§  Postgre SQL - Get the latest Windows install from
§  ADempiere Latest Release - Download the latest Adempiere from Official Release.
§  ADempiere Patches - From Patches/ download the patches for the version of ADempiere downloaded above. The patches come in two files, a *_patches_*.jar and a *_migra_*.zip. You will need both.
Install the Pre-Requisites
Install the JAVA JDK with the default installation settings. Say OK to install the follow-on JRE as well.
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the C:\Program Files\Java directory (or where-ever your Java is installed) and carefully note the full path for the JDK directory (e.g: C:\Program Files\java\jdk1.5.0_19) and the JRE directory that you have just installed.

Set the JAVA Environment Variables

On your Desktop (or using Start button / My Computer) right click My Computer and select System Properties / Advanced / Environmental Variables. (Alternatively: Start→Control Panel→System→Advanced tab.)
Add a new System Variable JAVA_HOME for your new JDK directory:
JAVA_HOME use C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_19 (or whatever your JDK directory is called)
Back in My Computer / System Properties / Advanced / Environmental Variables, find the Path variable and click Edit.
Append the following JDK path to the end of Path variable after putting in a connector semi-colon ";"


Install PostgreSQL by running the Windows executable installer downloaded above. If you have problems, refer to PostgreSQL Installation & Setup for details.
Installation options:
Account name: postgres
Password: postgres (or whatever you want - but write your password down! - let me repeat - !!write it down!!)
Port 5432 (the default port)
Select your Locale and make sure the "pl/pgsql" box is ticked (which is the default)
Uncheck the box "Launch Stack Builder at exit" and Finish. Cancel out of Stack Builder if it insists in launching
Create an environment variable POSTGRES_HOME set to the PostgreSQL install directory, for example "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.4"
Edit the PATH variable again and add %POSTGRES_HOME%\bin to the end of the path. This will make it easy to run the psql command from any directory.
In a DOS shell, type PATH and carefully check the result to ensure the JAVA and Postgres paths are correctly added to the PATH.
Start the PostgreSQL service. There will be a menu item in the PostgreSQL Start Menu to start the PostgreSQL service. It may already be running following the install. Check the running Services (Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services).
Congratulations, you now have Postgres database running
Initial ADempiere Setup
A setup utility in ADempiere will prepare the software for use and create environment variables needed in the following steps.
Open a DOS shell with administrative privileges. Admin privileges are important here as the setup process will need to set environment variables.
Navigate to C:\adempiere and execute RUN_setup.bat. If this is the first time you are running this, a licence and security keys dialogs will appear. Accept the defaults.
The setup dialog will appear.
You will need to change:
§  Database Server from <your-computer-name> to localhost
§  Database Type from oracleXE to postgresql
§  Database Name from xe to adempiere
§  System Password to postgres (or whatever you entered above for the database administrator)
§  Database Password to adempiere
§  Don't change anything in the Mail Server settings unless you want to set-up Adempiere for production purposes
You may also need to change the following:
§  Adempiere Home to C:\Adempiere (if somehow it has been set to the wrong location)
§  Application Server Web Port to 8080 (if 80 is being used by something else) and SSL to 8443 (instead of 443)
Press the Test button
When the Test completes without errors and the Save button (bottom, right) is activated, click the Save button. Wait a few minutes until the Adempiere Server Setup screen disappears and the deployment is finished.

Pictorial representation of adempiere installation is given below..

JDK Installation

  • Select available version of JDK 5.0 (e.g JDK 5.0 update 17) and click the Download button as displayed above.

  • Select the above options and click “Continue” button.

  • Select the link and it will download the file to the system.

  • When you will run JDK setup above license agreement window will open. Read and select “I accept the terms in the license agreement” and press next button.

  • When user will select the next button after accepting the license agreement above ‘Custom Setup’ window will open where user can select different component which he wants to install, here user will simply press next button.

  • Above window will open. Here setup will install selected JDK components.

  • After installing the selected JDK components system will open above window where user can select JRE components which user wants to install. In our case user will simply select next button.

  • Setup will open the above window, here user will select the desired options and will press next button.

  • On this step setup will install the selected JRE components.

  • After installing the selected JRE components, above setup completion dialog will open. User will press the ‘Finish’ button.

PostgreSQL Installation

  • When user will run the PostgreSQL setup above window will open. User will press next button.

  • When user will select next button above installation Directory window will open. Here user will simply select next button.

  • After installation directory window system will open data directory window to specify the directory structure for postgresql data.

  • Now user will enter “postgres” as the password for database super user and service account.

  • Now user will enter the port number which will be used by the postgresql in our case it will be '5432'.

  • Now on the “Locale” user make no changes and will select next button.

  • Now setup is ready to start, simply select next button to install postgresql.

  • Installation started.

  • On completion of installation system will open the above window. Here user will simply uncheck “Launch Stack Builder at exit?” checkbox and select Finish button.

ADempiereERP Installation

Before moving further you have to set the environment variables.

Setting Environment Variables
  • Right click on 'My Computer' and select properties.

  • System will open above window, here user will select ‘Advanced’ tab and will select ‘Environment Variables button.

  • When user will select environment variable button, 'Environment Variables' form will open. Now user will select new button in the 'System variables' group box.

  • Add new CLASSPATH variable and update the value '.;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_17\lib;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1. 5.0_17\jre\lib' as shown in above window.

  • Add new JRE_HOME variable and enter the value 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_17' as shown in above window.

  • Add new JAVA_HOME variable and enter the value 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_17' as shown in above window.

  • Edit 'Path' variable and enter the value at the end of the string ';C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_17\bin;c:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin' as shown in above window.
  • After setting up environment variables user will start postgreSQL service from Start>Programs>PostgreSQL>Start service. Now user will run the script/file 'RUN_build.bat' fromAdempiere/utils_dev/RUN_build.bat. This process will create installer files in the Adempiere/adempiere folder.

  • Now run the build script Adempiere/utils_dev/RUN_build.bat. Console window will open and show the build process activities.

  • When the system will complete the build process it will terminate the console automatically or prompt (press any key to continue) and following files will be added to the Adempiere/installdirectory.
Adempiere.tar.gz – gzipped tar for linux installation 
Adempiere.tar.gz.MD5 – md5 checksum for the gzipped tar file – zipped file for windows installation – md5 checksum for the zipped file.
  • You can use gzipped, tar or zipped file in any environment by using the appropriate decompressing tool.
  • Now Uncompress Adempiere.tar.gz or to your directory for example 'C:\' and run the C:\Adempiere\RUN_Setup.bat to setup the Adempiere application server.

  • When run the setup script the above console window will open to show the server installation progress.
  • The following server setup window will open for server configuration.

  • System will open the above window for server configuration.

  • Here enter 'localhost' in the 'Database Server' field, select 'postgresql' in the 'Database Type' field and enter 'postgres' in 'DB Admin Password' field and press test button.

  • When user will select save button after entering server configurations details in the 'Adempiere Server Setup' setup will open 'Key Store Dialog' window user may just select 'OK' button or will enter the desired details in this window.

  • Now system will open 'License' window, user will select 'Yes', I understand and accept’ button after reading the details in the window.

  • When user will accept license system will open 'Adempiere Server Setup' message box indicating that the server setup is completed. User will simply select ok button.

  • When user will select ok button of the 'Adempiere Server Setup' message box setup will close the 'Adempiere Server Setup' window and above Install adempiere Server console window will show the progress.

Importing Database

  • The next step is importing the data to PostgreSQL database.
  • User will run 'C:\Adempiere\utils\RUN_ImportAdempiere.bat' to import initial adempiere database schema into the database.

  • When database schema will fully transferred to the postgresSQL DB, system will show the message 'press any key to continue...' in the console window.
  • The Installation of the ADempiereERP is completed.

Running ADempiereERP as Desktop Application

  • After Completing the Installation successfully, a shortcut icon is placed on the desktop. To run the desktop application double click that icon.

  • When user run adempiere client first time, license agreement window will open, Read and select ‘Yes, I Understand and accept’ button.

  • When user will accept the license above window will open. Now user will select 'PostgreSQL' in the 'Database Type' field and enter localhost in the 'Database Host' field and left the remaining field as they are and click 'Test Database'. If connection is successful then select 'ok' button.

  • When user will select ok button system will open the above 'Adempiere Login' window, here user will enter UserID 'GardenAdmin' and Password 'GardenAdmin' and select 'ok' button.
