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Showing posts from 2014

Deploy ADempiere reports as attachment

You can now deploy the jasper report source (.jrxml) or compile file (.jasper) as attachment  to the jasper report process . Use the special syntax  attachment:reportFileName  ( for e.g, attachment:standalone.jrxml ) to indicate the jasper report file that should be loaded from the process's attachment. If subreport and properties resource file is use, you need to upload those as attachment to the same process as well.

Tuning postgresql for better performance - ADempiere ERP

PostgreSQL is a highly customizable relational database management system (RDBMS) with a dazzling array of configuration options.   The postgresql.conf file is located in the \PostgreSQL\9.x\Data folder. You can tune the following sections of the postgresql.conf file to get the best performance.     CONNECTIONS AND AUTHENTICATION In this section change the following entries to the following: max_connections = 350 authentication_timeout = 7min RESOURCE USAGE (except WAL) In this section change the following entries to the following: shared_buffers = 256MB : PG Backends that need to access tables first look for needed blocks in this cache. If they are already there, they can continue processing right away. The change can be made with a   postmaster  command-line flag or by changing the value of   shared_buffers temp_buffers = 32MB max_prepared_transactions = 20 work_mem = 1024MB maintenance_work_mem = 1024MB QUERY TUNING effect...

Send Email Through Adempiere ERP

Send Email Through Adempiere E-Mail Configuration in Adempiere Mail Server This will specify the mail server to use Default: mailserver.(domain portion of %{serverFQDN}) Example: Admin Email Use the default administrative mail address and it can be overwritten on client level Default: adempiere@(domain portion of %{ serverFQDN}) Example: Mail User Here we specify user of the default mail account Default: adempiere Example: teksalahadempiere Mail Password The password of the default mail account Default: adempiere Example: ********** 1    2.     Configuring Email in the client window The Client Definition Tab defines a unique client Step 1 .Login as admin Step  2 . Go to Menu -> System Admin -> Client Rules -> Client. In tab client fill fields’ mail host, request email request user and request user password. Finally press Test Em...

Adding privilege for PostgreSQL to access the databases from any point in network

In my local network each machine may have PostgreSQL database. For accessing the PostgreSQL databases in one machine to any machine, we need to add some permissions to the PostgreSQL configuration file. For accessing PostgreSQL databases in Machine1 to Machine2, we need to change the file pg_hba.conf (C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.2\data). The changes are the following : Add the line on IPv4 local connections : host    all             all    trust Hence the final code as : # IPv4 local connections: host    all             all               md5 host    all             all    trust The file pg_hba.conf has attached here. Just replace the file in...

Sending SMS using java code and Clickatell API

ClickatellSMS .java /**  * For executing the code you may need the following requirements 1. Clickatell  * account : You may have a user name, password and an API id. 2. Need to import  * two external jar files i. smsj-20051126.jar (Source :  * ii. slf4j-simple-1.0-beta4.jar  * (Source :  *  * -1.0-beta4.jar.html;jsessionid=74226B10CDFB28C183745181681836C7)  */ import; import java.util.Properties; import org.marre.sms.SmsAddress; import org.marre.sms.SmsException; import org.marre.sms.SmsTextMessage; import org.marre.sms.transport.SmsTransport; import org.marre.sms.transport.SmsTransportManager; public class ClickatellSMS { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // The username, password and apiid is sent to the clickatell transport // in ...

How can I change appearance of ADempiere ERP webui login page?

In trunk/zkwebui/theme/default there are a couple of files: login-left.zul, vendor-logo.zul, version-info.zul etc. File version-info.zul contains the server info data. You can change these files so the login page appears as you please. In file vendor-logo.zul there is the possibility of customization to own logo, links etc. Configuring the files in trunk/zkwebui/theme/default enables you to change the appearance of the webui login page to your needs. A build is needed.

Message box in ADempiere ERP

ADempiere have its own standard in its pop up messages. Normally we can use JOptionPane provided by  java. But you need to compromise its look and feel in your application. The following are the commonly used pop up box menthods in ADempiere in different instances. 1. mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent("Already open access","message",true); Used in callouts. 2. log.saveError("Invalid Date", message); Used in model classes. 3. ADialog.error(m_WindowNo, this, "FillMandatory", sb.toString());             return false; Used in client classes. If it is used in the higher build priority classes, you may have build error. 4. throw new IllegalStateException("Could not create accrual entry"); Used to throw exceptions in your code.

Adempiere Schema Diagram

From the below mentioned link, you may get the entire table schema in adempiere.

Cleanup of Ant build scripts

ADempiere 370LTS contains the following Ant build scripts which are required to build the entire system: tools/build.xml base/build.xml extend/build.xml client/build.xml JasperReports/build.xml serverRoot/build.xml serverApps/build.xml webStore/build.xml webCM/build.xml sqlj/build.xml posterita/posterita/build.xml zkwebui/build.xml install/build.xml More details in the following link