This article describes how to modify the ADempiere development environment to enable debugging of the ZK webui using the Eclipse Webtool and Apache Tomcat. Checklists: Ensure we have an Eclipse Java EE version. Ensure ADempiere development environment can build and debug the swing client. Steps to Setup the Project ( ADempiere ) to Include the Webtool Support 1. Configure Tomcat manually Download tomcat(zip file) from Unzip tomcat into the location of your choice. (E.g. C:\apache-tomcat-8.0.46). 2. Copy directory /your-tomcat-base-directory/webapps/ROOT to /your eclipse-workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps. 3. Checkout the ADempiere branch of interest and build it using the ant build in utils_dev/build.xml. 4. Open the Properties for the ADempiere project 5. Select “Project Facets” Co...
ADempiere Business Suite is an industrial strength open-source software solution that combines ERP, CRM and SCM support for business process. ADempiere provides a framework for extending and customizing to meet business needs.