Creating WebUI Workspace in Eclipse with Apache Tomcat for Adempiere ERP

This article describes how to modify the ADempiere development environment to enable debugging of the ZK webui using the Eclipse Webtool and Apache Tomcat.



  • Ensure we have an Eclipse Java EE version.
  • Ensure ADempiere development environment can build and debug the swing client.

Steps to Setup the Project (
ADempiere ) to Include the Webtool Support

1.    Configure Tomcat manually 

  • Download tomcat(zip file) from
  • Unzip tomcat into the location of your choice. (E.g. C:\apache-tomcat-8.0.46).

2.    Copy directory /your-tomcat-base-directory/webapps/ROOT to /your eclipse-workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps.
3.    Checkout the ADempiere branch of interest and build it using the ant build in utils_dev/build.xml.
4.    Open the Properties for the ADempiere project
5.    Select “Project Facets”

  • Confirm that Dynamic Web Module is selected
  • Confirm that Java is selected (select a JAVA version compatible with the project)

6.    Select “Web Project Settings” in the Project Properties dialog. It will show the context root as "webui".

7.    Now add servers. 

  • Right clicking in the server tab and selecting "New" then in the dialog that appears select the server (tomcat). Then add the ADempiere project to the server.

8.    Edit the launch configuration and add the following to the arguments:

  • DPropertyFile=${adempierePropertiesFile}

        (Note: These arguments use variables but you could replace the variable with the relevant paths.)

9.    Save the configuration.

10.    Run the server (tomcat) and Check the console. It should startup normally.

11.    Once the server has started, Run project (Adempiere) on server that will automatically open browser and go to localhost:port/webui.

12.    Shows the project (Adempiere) login page.


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