ADempiere Web UI have implemented only single default theme. The theme folder structure will be something similar to the below -zkwebui |-theme |-<theme name> |-images |-js |-zkex |-zkmax |-zul |-css ext.css.dsp norm.css.dsp zk.wcs |-html |-img |-less |-font _header.less _reset.less _zkmixins.less _zkvariables.less norm.less login-info.zul I am not going to explain more. Find more details here : Here I am going to tell you 2 things: 1) Which CSS section need to edit, 2) What are the image file names. See the (
ADempiere Business Suite is an industrial strength open-source software solution that combines ERP, CRM and SCM support for business process. ADempiere provides a framework for extending and customizing to meet business needs.