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Showing posts from 2016

Popup Message from Server to Clients using Socket Programming in Adempiere

It will be more convenient for the client if he get a popup notification at the time of order completion. We achieved this using Socket Programming in ADempiere. In Socket Programming, messages sends through ports using port number. The message send from the server is identified by the client port and given to a popup window. A column named IsNotified added to AD_Session Table and it’s value is set to ' Y'  by default . When an order is completed, this column value will change to ' N' . Clients with IsNotified value 'N' will get the popup notification. The popup will open in every minute and elapse automatically after 10 seconds until the client closes it manually. This time IsNotified column value will change to 'Y'. So that particular client won’t get any popup notification further. The following classes added to ADempiere: • •         org....

System requirements for ADempiere ERP Implementation

 In a production environment such a simple installation may not be sufficient, especially when there are more than a handful of concurrent users. Performance demands will require more attention to the architecture of the installation. In a production environment, it is highly recommended to separate the servers, with the  Application Server  and  Database Server  on different machines. COMPUTER HARDWARE - Recommended configuration for above 100 users Server : Server class hardware with Dual Socket 2.xG and 4 Core dedicated                             300GB 15K RAID Protected                             16 GB RAM, Page fi...

Port is already in use during the ADempiere Server Starts

     Some times, there will be few port conflicts with the ADempiere server with any other applications running on the same. We had a same kind conflict few days  back. Our internal server web port was 8080, as normal. and it was forward to 8888 for publishing the web application to the internet. During a server machine restart, the ADempiere server was reluctant to execute saying port 8080 is already in use.      The culprit was the Ammy Admin this time. For the remote access we were using the ammy admin in the server machine. So it was engaging the 8080 port.  There are TWO solutions for this.  1. Kill the application which engaging the web server port. 2. Change the web server port from 8080 to any other. The following are the simple steps to find out the engaged ports in the machine and killing those services. 1. netstat -b It will list down all the established communications and corresponding port. We will ge...