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COST VERSUS BENEFIT ERP implementation projects require significant investment in terms of both time and resources. Here we list some of the benefits commonly cited by organizations when contemplating an ERP implementation project. In addition to financial benefits, we discuss some of the other benefits that may be realized. FINANCIAL BENEFITS The cost of a new ERP system needs to be balanced against the positive financial impact that the new ERP system is expected to deliver. Whilst every implementation is different, the fiscal benefits could include: Increased revenue  For example, improved planning tools can lead to an increase in product/service availability. Additional functionality may also be the sales team be more effective e.g. use of CRM, improved ability to cross-sell Reduced costs     Your existing ERP may be expensive to maintain in a robust manner; there may be the opportunity for the elimination/automation of non-value-added tasks within ...

Seven Benefits of using HRMS

It is an integrated system providing information used by HR management in decision making. It allows a company to keep track of all of its employees and information about them—whatever information the company chooses to store there, such as employee demographics, benefits tracking, and performance information. It is usually created in a database or, more often, in a series of interrelated databases. 1. It’ll improve the efficiency of your HR team One of the most immediate benefits of using specialist HR software – once you’ve completed the implementation and launch phase – is an improvement in the efficiency of your HR team. Repetitive, admin-intensive tasks such as chasing managers to complete probation or annual reviews can be automated, and others – such as approving holiday or certifying absence – can be delegated to managers and employees through self-service functionality. 2. Reducing Errors and Maintaining Compliance Many HR tasks are highly regulated, and because ...

ADempiere Theme Management

ADempiere Web UI have implemented only single default theme. The theme folder structure will be something similar to the below -zkwebui |-theme |-<theme name> |-images |-js |-zkex |-zkmax |-zul |-css ext.css.dsp norm.css.dsp zk.wcs |-html |-img |-less |-font _header.less _reset.less _zkmixins.less _zkvariables.less norm.less login-info.zul I am not going to explain more. Find more details here : Here I am going to tell you 2 things: 1) Which CSS section need to edit, 2) What are the image file names. See the (

ADempiere 3.9.1 Release Note

The world class professional ERP ADempiere have released its latest version 3.9.1 twenty days back. Great News. A big salute to the great community setting the proper measures and  taking the software to the next level. The acceptance level of ADempiere screens in the bottom level of organization - data entry operators - is always difficult. In the case of massive number of PO's or direct invoice entries, will take time and less visibility of entire picture. The new version contains the Quick Sheet feature, which can save the data entry time, but the complete view of an entry is still bit far. For example, while we do a Invoice entry, we move to Invoice Line, we are losing the business partner, invoice reference number, cumulative amount of the invoice etc. The included tab as grid will sort out most of the issues, but the data entry in that view need fine tuning to grab the data entry satisfaction. But this is not  at all a concern while selecting ADempiere as an ERP. ...