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Showing posts from December, 2013

To add a external jar to ADempiere ERP

1. Get the jar file 2. Edit the Adempiere370\tools\Build.xml 3. Copy the jar file to Adempiere370\tools\ 4. Add the code fragment in the xml file     both in CSTools and CCTools eg:     <!-- Joda                -->     <zipfileset src="lib/joda-time-2.3.jar">         <patternset refid="manifest.exclude" />     </zipfileset> 5. If we are using the jar objects in base, client or zkwebui, edit respective build.xml files

To Debug Adempiere Web UI or Server

1. Open Adempiere\jboss\bin\run.bat 2. There is a command "rem set JAVA_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=y %JAVA_OPTS%" 3. delete "rem" from the code , So server will listen to the port 8787 4. open eclipse -> Debug Configuration -> Remote Java Application , Then, create a new configuraion, Give the configuration name : 'AdempiereWeb'(anything) Give the Project Name, Connection Type : Standard(Socket Attach) Host : localhost Port : 8787 5. Run Adempiere370\utils\RUN_Server2.bat It will start and waiting to the response from the port 8787. 6. Debug the 'AdempiereWeb' configuration 7 set the debug break points on the class, It will detect the break points ; DONE

Installing ADempiere 3.7.0 on Ubuntu 11.04

Installing ADempiere 3.7.0 on Ubuntu 11.04 This is a simple how to install ADempiere 3.7.0 on Ubuntu 11.04. There are alot of installation How-To's, the reason I believe this might be useful is that the new 3.7.0 has some little twist in the installation and lots of the installation manuals here in the wiki are outdated. I will keep it as simple as possible to allow anyone new to ADempiere and even to Ubuntu to be able to get ADempiere running. Contents   [ hide ] 1   OS Installation 2   ADempiere Pre-Installation Routine 3   PostgreSQL Installation 4   ADempiere Installation 5   ADempiere Start OS Installation Install Ubuntu 11.04 directly on a PC or as a VM. During the installation, set "adempiere" as the username, that will make things a bit easier later on ADempiere Pre-Installation Routine After the installation finishes, lets get going with downloading the needed files. Open a Terminal Screen and type the followin...


1. Installing on Windows Installing Git on Windows is very easy. The msysGit project has one of the easier installation procedures. Simply download the installer exe file from the GitHub page, and run it: To download GIT click here After it’s installed, you have both a command-line version (including an SSH client that will come in handy later) and the standard GUI. The GuI version is more user friendly and easy to use but there are so many features missing in the GUI version. So it is more useful to use the command line version of GIT which is called GIT bash. Working with GIT The Three States Now, pay attention. This is the main thing to remember about Git if you want the rest of your learning process to go smoothly. Git has three main states that your files can reside in: committed, modified, and staged. Committed means that the data is safely stored in your local database. Modified means that you have changed the file but have not committed it to your database y...

Installation of Adempiere ERP on Windows

              This installation instruction is intended for initial installations where the database, application server and client all run on the same machine. For more complex installations, see   Installation Steps . An installation can take as little as 15 or 20 minutes if you start with the required downloads and do everything correctly. Other alternatives you might want to investigate are the   Windows Installer   or VMWare/VirtualBox AVA packages. However, the following method will give you much more control over the installation including upgrades with the latest patches and scripts. Before you begin, download each of the following packages: §   Java SE Development Kit   - Get the latest from . You only need the   JDK   without JavaFX, EE or NetBeans bundles. §   Postgre SQL   - Get the latest Windows install from   http://www.po...